Friday, February 03, 2006

My husband has just spent his first week working in Oklahoma. He'll be home tonight for the weekend. I have really missed him. It's kind of nice to have a chance to miss him sometimes. We get along so much better when we're not together all of the time and we both have our "alone" time. We'll see how it is working a couple of months from now!!! It may just be long enough so that when we do live together all of the time again...we drive each other crazy. I kind of get into my routines with the kids and sometimes have a hard time with him coming home and changing that. I will work on that more and remember that he is working hard so that I can stay home with the kids. I need to show him a little more appreciation. On a different note.....I'm going to a friend's house tonight to play keno. Have no idea how to play it but it should be fun......friends, games and food.


Natalie said...

I hope your weekend is awesome! I'm off to run errands & pay bills.. not awesome, but necessary.

Christina said...

It is great so far! I hope yours is awesome!!!!