Monday, April 16, 2007

Early wake up call...

Well I did it!! I am so proud of myself! I actually got up at 5am when my alarm went dressed....drove to Nat's house and walked. All of these normal things are quite amazing for me to do at 5am. I am soooo not a morning person but I'm gonna try to change that. Now I just have to change myself to NOT be a night owl. I don't see how I can make morning person and night owl go together. It's so nice to start the day being proud of myself!! :)


Julie said...

I am having trouble reading your posts because your Visual DNA is in the way. It moves over to the right and covers up half of your post. Maybe you or Nat can figure out how to fix it. I really want to read your posts! :)

Julie said...

I can read it now! :)

Christina said...

That is wasn't working right anyway so I just took it off.